Days 5 and 6

I'm flying out on a trip soon so this will be short...


Day 5: New joist sistered to the old one that cracked due to a) some HVAC dude in 1910 chipping away 2/3 of it with a chisel and b) some contractor dude placing lots of load on said joist twenty years ago.

If it looks like more than 1/3 of the old joist is there, it's just the camera angle, see below.


More new Joist pictures. This wasn't fun to put in.


Still more new joist pictures.


Day 6. Giant LVL (wood laminate) beams! 3 x (1.75" x 16" x 14')! These things are really big because the load requirements are actually pretty high. Calculations of loads, stresses, etc. which required this when I get back in town...


Chris said, don't jump up and down on this tonight.